During week 1 of this project, my primary task was accumulating the supplies necessary to start practicing my crocheting.

Since I don’t yet know which animal design I will be following for my project, I have found two crochet hooks of different sizes to practice with so that I have the option to choose either in the end. One is size 5mm and one is size 5.5mm, both of which I had previously purchased for a different project. I’m not yet sure if these sizes of crochet hooks will work well for crocheting a stuffed animal with such fine detail, but since they are mid-range sizes they should work well enough for practicing stitches until I get closer to tackling my specific design.

I have also found yarn that is the correct thickness and material to go with the crochet hooks I have and is on the thinner side, allowing for more detail to show in the final product although maybe not enough. I aim to do some more research on the particular yarn and crochet hook sizes needed for my design once it has been chosen.

Depending on which design I settle on I may also need to purchase some more yarn later in different colours to highlight certain aspects of the animal, but for now I have stuck with one solid colour to simplify the process.